Title Insurance
Frequently Asked Questions
1 What is title insurance and why do I need it?
Title insurance is a form of indemnity insurance that protects the owners and mortgage lenders against financial loss resulting from challenges or defects in the title to real estate. Prior to the transfer of ownership, a satisfactory title examination is required to issue the policy. These policies protect a policyholder against loss from some occurrence that has already happened but is not shown in the public record, such as a forged deed somewhere back in the chain of title.
Title insurance will typically cover the policyholder’s attorney and court expenses, or pay for financial loss caused by unknown defects, subject to the policy’s terms and limitations.
Title insurance is the only insurance that protects purchasers and owners against loss due to an unforeseen title defect.
Although an owner’s title insurance policy is optional at the time of settlement, RGS Title encourages consumers not to waive their right to purchase this protection. Lenders require mortgage title insurance as a condition for obtaining a loan whenever you purchase or refinance real estate. A lender’s title insurance policy protects the lending company against a financial loss or an expense incurred due to issues related to the title.
2 How does title insurance differ from other types of insurance?
3 How do I find out about the title of my house?
As part of our settlement service, RGS Title will conduct a thorough title search that results in a detailed history of the property based on recorded documents such as deeds, liens, and judgments maintained and indexed at the courthouse in the jurisdiction where the property is located. Occasionally, however, the system used by a courthouse for indexing and recording documents related to real property can be subject to flaws and inconsistencies, and the title company’s investigation may not discover them.
4 What are the most common title defects?
- Forged deeds, releases, wills, or other legal documents
- Failure of spouses to join in conveyances
- Undisclosed or missing heirs
- Deeds from minors, undocumented immigrants, or persons of unsound mind
- Errors in indexing public records
- Liens for unpaid taxes, including estate, inheritance, income, or gift taxes
- Mistakes in recording legal documents
- Deeds from defunct companies/corporations
- Unprobated wills
5 How does title insurance protect a property owner against hidden title defects?
- Standard Policy – Based on the sales price of the home at the time of closing, and does not escalate in value with the home’s appreciation over time.
- Enhanced Policy – Offers an escalation as the value of a home appreciates. Under an enhanced policy, the homeowner may be able to recover up to 150% of the original purchase price.